Urbanczyk Water Main Transmission line

Honey Creek Final Settlement Agreement
On April 1, 2021, Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA), Bulverde Neighborhoods for Clean Water (BNCW), Texas Cave Management Association (TCMA), and adjacent landowners signed a final settlement agreement with Silesia Properties, L.P./Mr. Ronald Urbanczyk regarding the Honey Creek development and Texas Land Application Permit (TLAP).
We would have all preferred the Silesia properties not be developed at all, or developed as luxury size acre lots to ensure the safety of Honey Creek caverns, spring, and creek, but understand the development was going to move forward regardless of our concerns.
Proceeding with mediation and not going to a Contested Case Hearing allowed beneficial requests of Silesia Properties. These requests would not have been available to the protestants had the permit gone to Contested Case Hearing.
The TLAP wastewater treatment plant benefits are:
- Total homes limited to 1,640
- Class A Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, daily site visits and 24/7 by pager
- UV disinfection rather than chlorine
- Wastewater Treatment Plant to be designed to allow for beneficial reuse.
- Increased effluent storage capacity 6 days
- Effluent Limits: Total Nitrogen: 6 mg/L and Total Phosphorous: 0.5 mg/L
- Increased TLAP soil depth of 20″ and enhanced soil testing plan
- Seeps and Springs monitoring plan
- Groundwater monitoring
- No new groundwater wells
- Developer nor permit holder can apply for or seek a TPDES permit
- Dark Sky provisions
- Restrictions of use of chemicals on roads
- Backup power for lift stations
- No use of coal tar sealant on roads
- Green space buffer
- Adjacent landowner accommodations
View the full Final settlement agreement here:
To ensure compliance with the final settlement agreement, we will be vigilant in attending Bulverde Planning & Zoning and City Council meetings and observing all activities at the Honey Creek development.
Please continue to display your @SAVEHONEYCREEK signs and bumper stickers.
Thank you for your continued help and support to Save Honey Creek!
@SAVEHONEYCREEK signs are popping up all over. With a little less than 180 days before the contested case hearing, we want to ensure that the effort to save Honey Creek from the effects of the proposed high-density development remains in the public eye. Please show your support for our neighbors and friends who live along Honey Creek by purchasing a SAVE HONEY CREEK sign to display in your yard.
A $20.00 tax-deductible donation to GEAA will get you a double-sided yard sign and a magnetic bumper sticker with the SAVE HONEY CREEK message. You can also purchase a BNCW small magnetic bumper sticker for an additional $5.00. All donations go to GEAA and the effort to protect Honey Creek.
We can set up times for pickup at a convenient location for anyone who orders and can take payment by cash or check to deliver to GEAA (Honey Creek in memo line). If you live in the Bulverde area, we can deliver to your home.
If anyone has a fence along a main road and would like to display the 4’ x 8’ banner, please contact us and we can discuss arrangements to hang the banner for you.
Please contact Lea at lea@gvtc.com OR Michelle at michelle@bncw.bulverdetexas.net to make arrangements.
Thank you, and let’s SAVE HONEY CREEK!
Help protect this pristine Texas Cave, Spring and Creek that flows into the Guadalupe River
The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) is supporting these efforts. They are a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Your donation will support legal fees to contest this permit. There are two ways to donate:
- Donate by check (preferred). Please make checks out to GEAA and send to the following address:
PO BOX 15618
Also, please make sure you write “Honey Creek” in the memo. - Donate by credit card online at https://aquiferalliance.org/donate-to-geaa/. Just click on the “Donate” button. Also remember to use the “Special Instructions” area and enter “Honey Creek” . This method of payment does incur a 10% processing charge.